Sunday, May 1, 2011

Week of April 25th

It's been quite a while since we have written in our blog!  We have been busy!
  • We participated in a webquest based on Doreen Cronin's "Diary" books.  We researched an insect and wrote a diary in Comic Life.  We then illustrated our diaries and shared with with the class.  They are posted on the bulletin board outside our classroom.
  • We finished math units introducing Multiplication and Division.  We have just begun a unit on 3D shapes.
  • Mr. Allen has been working with two groups for Reader's Theatre.  Two groups have now performed Readers Theatre plays to the class.  Mr. Allen also recorded these plays and we have them posted here for you to enjoy!  (Click on the links below.) They really did a fantastic job,  performing with clear voices and lots of expression!  Enjoy!
          Aladdin performed by Felicity, Grace, Cody, Devan and Vance      Aladdin                 
          Brahmin and the Tiger performed by Brooklynn, Michaela,
                              Nick, Kobe and Phoebe     Brahmin and the Tiger

  • We are also working on preparing for the Provincial Math Assessment ( EELMA) which students write on May 31st and June 1st. Information about the Math Assessment will be coming home soon.  

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