Friday, March 4, 2011

Week of February 28

  • In Science we have been studying Structures.  This week we made geodesic domes made of toothpicks and gumdrops.  These structures contain 14 triangles.  We wanted to see how many books a dome could support.  We learned that triangles are strong!
  • Some of the domes held up to 8 textbooks!
  • We are using the computers in class to make webs about our learning about the Mi'kmaq and Acadians using Kidspiration.
  • In Social Studies we are learning about the Mi'kmaq and how they lived 500 years ago.  The Mi'kmaq had summer camps here in Taqmakujk, which means 'river barred by sand.'
  • This week we went to the Tatamagouche Creamery Square. We learned  many interesting  things about the Acadians who lived in Tatamagouche over 300 years ago from  Mr. Swan, Mrs. Glass, Mrs. Driver, and Mrs. Brinkhurst.  Angus said, "It was a good way to learn about history while having fun." 
    Mr. Swan shows us many  Acadian settlements.
    This cool exhibit shows how the Acadian Aboiteaux worked.
    Mrs. Driver teaches us about the daily
     life of the Acadians.
  • When we were at the Creamery Square,  we noticed that there are lots of other exhibits things to learn about .  There are fossils from Brule Shore.  There are models of giantess Anna Swan.  There are artifacts from Olden Days and from the Creamery.  There are also 2 two headed animals.  We hope to go back another day.
  • Many thanks to the parents who came on our field trip.  Thank you to Rye, Kyra, Angus, Karter and Keegan's parents!  Also,  thank you to Mr. Mingo for driving us there on the bus!

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