Friday, November 19, 2010

Week of November 15th
 Earlier this week we got mail from two of our former teachers.  We heard from Mrs. Huston, and from Ms. Michels.  Mrs. Huston told us about her new job.  She is at 6 different schools working as a Literacy Mentor  to teachers.  Ms. Michels is in Amherst teaching grade 1.  She told us she has a new house and two new puppies. 

After we read our mail,  we wrote letters to them.  ( Except for Felicity and Michaela !  They wrote to their own former teachers. )  We told them about grade three.  Phoebe told about writing storybirds.  Brooklynn wrote about her two new friends.  Joel wrote that we were learning about decimals in math,  and soil in science.

We have been writing storybirds this term.  We wrote one as a class.  You can read it here on our blog!  ( Scroll down.)  We have also written storybirds with a friend, and by ourselves.  Some of these storybirds have been published, and some are nearly finished.   We enjoy writing with storybirds.  It is an awesome writing activity.

Today we had a author and illustrator visit us in the library.  Her name was Frances Wolfe.   She has written several children's books.  She read two of her books to us, and she told us
 stories about where she grew up.

We hope that you enjoyed our first blog.  We will try to write at least once a week.

Grade Three


  1. I like this! I think I would like to start a grade one blog after report cards-
    I need to find out how you did the recommended sites etc.

  2. Thanks for getting this started. I hope some of the parents begin to follow the blog as well.

  3. I loved reading about what was going on in the grade three class and am planning on checking things out frequently . Dawson and I use storybird quite a bit as well Love it .Thanks for sharing . Marsha :)

  4. Awesome job, grade 3! I love your blog. I am also happy to hear that you enjoyed the author visit last week. I purchased 2 new books from Frances Wolfe and will try to get them on the shelf soon!
    Have a great week :)

  5. Grade Three,
    You have inspired us to get going on our blog. We enjoyed helping you edit your Storybirds, and we learned more about looking closer at the writing. We will be checking your postings frequently.
    Yours truly,
    Grade 5 class :)
