Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Blue Sea Beach Day

Today we went to Blue Sea Beach in Malagash with the grade 2 class.  Some people helped make sand castles,  others explored tidal pools and caught hermit crabs,  some flew kites,  others did a scavenger hunt.  We all had a good time on this very cool first day of summer. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Mi'kmaq Day

Today we had two guests from the Glooscap Heritage Center from Millbrook visit our school.  Gordon Pictou told us about animals the Mi'kmaq hunted in the past and showed us replicas of some of the stone tools.  He also told us a Mi'kmaq legend about Wolverine.  Joe Sylliboy did some drumming and singing and told us about powwows.  We all did a round dance.

Week of May 23

Last Friday, we went to Speakman's Nursery.  We learned about plants and how they grow in stages. Mr. Speakman showed us how to grow grapevines.  He also should us a heater that warms the plants up to help them grow. He showed us the different foods they are growing.  It was so nice to see all the beautiful flowers in the greenhouses.

On Friday we brought in fruit because it was F for fruit day. Some kids stayed inside to eat the fruit salad.  It was awesome.   We had apples, strawberries,watermelon and so on.

In Science we are learning about plants.  We are doing an experiments with plants.  We are testing to see if  plants need soil, water or light to grow.We are also participating in an experiment called Tomatosphere.  We are testing the rate of germination for two groups of tomato seeds.  One group of plants is "D"  and the other is "M.  One of the seeds groups accompanied a Canadian astronaut on a mission to the Space station.  After we submit our results they will let us know which seeds actually went to outer space.   http://www.tomatosphere.org/

Friday, May 13, 2011

Week of May 9

Highlights of the Week
  • This week we finished our Photo Stories Mr. Oldreive.  It was very fun to do!  We thank him  very much for helping us on this project.  We were able to share some of our story projects with the class and Mrs. Davis-Maybee.
  • We finished our unit on 3D shapes in mathematics this week.  
  • We have started a Science unit on Plants this week.  We are looking at seeds right now.
  • It was a very wet week and we had lots of indoor recess time.
  • We finished reading The Trumpet of the Swan this week.  What a great story!  What will we read next?          
  • On May 19th we will begin our ABC countdown to the end of the school year.  Details to follow.